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The blues were back. They had no reason to be there and I don't know how or why they returned. Try as I might, I can't help being dragged down by their weight. Of course, it wasn't our first tryst and I should've found the job of getting rid of them to be a petty one. But no matter how many times we meet, they never have an air of familiarity to them. Perhaps there'll be a day when I come to terms with the blues and maybe even go ahead and embrace them. But today was not that day. The blues were right in my face and despite my best efforts, I failed to keep them at bay. Solace distanced itself from me even as I told myself that the blues are probably what I've been preordained to and any escape from them would only be temporary. I sighed in resignation and continued sipping my coffee that was devoid of any essence. Or maybe it wasn't the coffee that was lacking in essence. I was conversing with a very good friend of mine, simultaneously trying my best t...

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