Review: Confused Bastards

My rating: 5 of 5 stars
The first thing I read was the acknowledge which read ‘The Big Bang’ and I knew I was in for a wacky read and I wasn’t disappointed.
The story is about three friends who come up with a unique start-up idea - A platform where people can vent out their frustrations. Everything seems to go well until something happens and their life takes a U-turn. How they get out of their conundrum forms the rest of the story.
The author has kept the story straight and simple and throughout the story, there isn’t a single point where you’re bored. All the jokes strike the right chord and I did Laugh Out Loud at various places. By the end of the book, I wanted to get up, shoot a video of myself admitting that I’m a Confused Bastard.
The story doesn’t seem too unrealistic and the characters involved are totally relatable. We are either one of the characters or we can find them in our friends. Jai, Vivek and Aakash have made it to my list of favorite characters. All their frustrations, their emotions, their problems are things we keep stumbling upon almost everyday in our lives. The confusion that the youth these days face, has been beautifully portrayed in the book, albeit in a witty way. As a bonus, there a few life lessons to take away. The best part about this is that they didn’t seem preachy anywhere.
The writing style is the book’s greatest strength with all the punchlines and gags. Surely, you’ll have a lot of quotes to put up as your WhatsApp statuses after reading this book. The language is raw and that is what makes the story all the very beautiful. Conversations between the characters, the narration and the confusions the characters face are the main assets of the book.
Overall, the book makes for a great read and I’d recommend it to everyone who’s bored or confused or is looking for a quick read.
*I received this book from Writersmelon in exchange for an honest and unbiased review*
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