Who's the happiest person on your birthday?

Ever wondered who the happiest person on your birthday would be? Is it your girlfriend with whom you’re probably going to have an extravagant lunch? Is it your best friends who know that even if they make sure your ‘cushion’ needs some cushioning, you’re going to throw a party anyway? Or is it you since it’s, after all, your birthday? It’s definitely someone special and who else can be more special than your mom?


This point must have been discussed a lot of times and yet, it amuses me. There are people who know quite a bit about me and yet, they don’t like me and then there’s this amazing lady who actually started loving me even before I was born! Moms are crazy, aren’t they? Always greeting you with the most authentic smile ever, every time you go home. While none of us are perfect and almost all of us strive for perfection, our flaws are the last thing our mothers worry about. I wonder if they even know that we aren’t flawless.  

Imagine when your mom first came to know she was going to have you. How amazing a moment would that have been for her! She told your dad about it and he reciprocated it. Soon, she had to sacrifice things for you like her favorite dessert because the doctors said it’s not healthy for the baby. All the cravings that she had to resist just so you could come in this world, hale and healthy. Then came her moment of glory – the moment you arrived. The happiest moment in our life. Your birthday. After all the pain she went through, she’s beaming with joy. Sacrifices, pain, the battle and the smile at the end of it all - sounds like some warrior stuff, eh?

Well, all moms are warriors after all. Raising you was a tough task with all your tantrums, cries in the middle of the night, the incredibly-tough-to-handle things you’ve done (if you are anything like me, you’ll know) and God knows what all. Despite all that, she gave you everything you wanted just to see you smile and she did all that gracefully. She is always your friend in need, your partner in crime (my mom is) and the one you can confide in completely without having to worry about your secrets.
She’ll love you no matter what and you’re the best thing in her life. 

Maybe with the so-called busyness of our lives, we aren’t really spending enough time with that wonderful lady. When it’s our birthday, we make plans with our friends and so on but how many of us actually spend time with their moms? The poor lady doesn’t even expect a thing from you and probably, the least you could do is to ensure that heartwarming smile of hers, is on display. After all, she was the first one to celebrate it and if anyone deserves a party, it’s her.

All of you who never say “I’m busy, Maa” and all the moms out there, you are the best thing ever. Thank you for being so awesome!


P.S: No, it’s neither mine nor my mom’s birthday. I’m sorry if I sounded preachy. I recently saw a guy in a mall who was embarrassed to see his mother struggling at the escalator. It irked me not because he was embarrassed but knowing that this great lady would still love him despite the piece of crap that he is. I guess, that was the genesis of this post.


  1. hihihi. such cute post. I must say that I am the happiest person on ur b'day :p


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